Foto 1218798 von sum.41 

sum.41 Fotos Katy.Confused! ID 1218798  
von sum.41 am 25.06.2009 um 16:18 Uhr:

Johnny Depp, you're deep
I'd like to watch you when you sleep
And smell the shirt in which you slept
Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp, you're hip
I'd like to bite your lower lip
And scrunch your Edward Scissor-hair
Johnny bear

You've got tattoos, one said "Winona", I know
But you broke up with her, and now it just says

Johnny Depp, you're cruel
You're the harbinger of drool
Mow my lawn without a shirt
Johnny dirt

John A, John B, John C, John D, John EEEEEEE

Well, you like girls with foreign accents, tiny
I'm not a waif, but I could love you more than you
Probably deserve...

Johnny Depp, you're the bomb
If you'd come to meet my mom
I'd cry a single, salty tear
Johnny dear

John A, John B, John C, John D, John EEEEEE
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